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An XCRI Web Service for Higher York

Higher York


This page provides information about the getHYcourses web service. It is intended to give a brief overview of the service including the functionality it provides and how it can be used.


Higher York is an exciting and innovative partnership between Askham Bryan College, the University of York, York College, York St John University, Craven College and the City of York Council.

This web service provides the latest course advertising data for colleges and universities in the Higher York partnership. The anticipated consumers of this service are Course Prospectus services and Common Application Process suppliers, plus other regional course marketing services.

The service call accepts a single parameter specifying the XXP XCRI Provider Number (XXPN) of the college or university. The getHYcourses service currently supports the following colleges and universities:

XXPN CodeCollege or University
- Askham Bryan College
X010223The University of York
- York College
X010231York St John University
X010215Craven College

A Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) definition can be obtained here (WSDL 1.2).

The service is maintained and hosted on the XCRI eXchange Platform (XXP) on behalf of Higher York.

Further information can be found by contacting:

Service Owner
Claire Newhouse
Higher York
01904 876350

Data & XCRI
Alan Paull
01453 835009

Technical & XCRI
Anthony Au
InGenius Solutions Ltd
0117 230 9938

An example of how to call the service can be found here.